Guido Tournois

Guido Tournois

Tech lead data extraction

Even though he graduated in the field of robotics, it didn’t take long before Guido was drawn in by the world of data. Starting as a data scientist, he experienced too many data science proof-of-concept projects, even successful ones, never got into production. Therefore, leveraging his strong engineering skills, he repositioned himself as data engineer and made it his mission to help companies in pursuit of their ambitious and challenging goal: productionization of data.

In the following years, Guido worked as a data engineering consultant for a handful of companies, contributing to a variety of data ecosystems. Wanting to get more long term feedback on his decisions, he decided to move in-house and joined Adyen in Juni 2021. First as data platform engineer and now in his role as tech lead, Guido is contributing to a range of platform components to empower teams to build their data products whilst keeping mental effort about data infrastructure to a minimum.

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